Attitudes and beliefs of medical students on cannabis in Hong Kong
Presented by:
Dr. CHUNG Kar Kin, Albert
Chaired by:
Dr. CHUNG Ka Fai
24 November 2022
6:30 am
7:05 am
J2 Seminar Room, 2/F Block J, QMH and Zoom
The reported illegal use of cannabis (also commonly referred as marijuana) has been doubled over the past few years in Hong Kong. Cannabis was also the commonest substance being illegally used by those aged under 21 years in 2021. Diverse attitudes and beliefs regarding medical cannabis exist amongst medical students worldwide. No pervious study has been carried out amongst health care professional or medical students on their attitudes and beliefs on cannabis use and its current legal status in Hong Kong or China. The current study provides an insight from medical students on their perceptions of cannabis and its legal reform. It also reflects on current medical education, training and practice about cannabis in this central Asian locality.
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